Reference: GS4
French generic steel road restraint system N2-W6-A.
- Description
- Technical data
- Product view
The GS4-NF system is a French gov. product. Its level of performance according to EN 1317-2 is: N2-W6 (1.86 m) - Dn (1.56 m) and its minimum installation length is 80 lm.
The components of the device are manufactured in accordance with the standards NF P98-415 (02/2018) et NF P98-416 (07/2018). All components must be marked NF + batch number + manufacturer's logo. SOLOSAR is certified by ASCQUER.
Advantages of the GS4 NF
- Allows to isolate an obstacle located at more than 1,86 m from the barrier
- Can be connected to the existing NF network
- A range of components always in stock and adaptable to any NF device and a significant range of accessories
SOLOSAR has developed a similar CE-certified product on the basis of GS2 NF components with improved operating width GS2 PERFORMANCE
For industrial or building protection and prevention of accidents and collisions, please refer to our range SOLOPROTECT®
Technical data
- Performance EN 1317-2: N2-W6
- Normalized dynamic deflection: 1.86 m
- Post spacing: 4.00 m
- Minimum installation length: 80 ml
- Weight / ml with post 1.5m: 16.5 kg
- Post C 100-NF in steel S235 JR - length: 1.50 m or 2 m
- AF (NF) profile rail in S235 JR steel - length 4315 mm
- Nuts and bolts NF included
- All components are hot-dip galvanised to ISO1461
Product view
- Roadside steel barriers
- Median steel barriers
- Bridge steel railing
- Crash cushions acc. EN 1317-3
- High performance end terminals acc. XP ENV 1317-4
- Motocyclist Protection Systems
- Pedestrian parapets
- ASTRA systems and components